

Hi bloggers!

Resistance 3 hits store shelves today after 3 years of hard work. We're really proud of this game, and hope that it's a really fun experience for the players!



Hope to see you online!


Mr Colin said...


Ben Greene said...

Absolutely stunning work my man...especially that train yard!

Jeane M. said...
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Jparked said...

sickkk Darren!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janice Chu said...

Oh man! Did you design the graphic for Resistance 3? If you did, it's unbelievably designed so well and smart! With New York as the teeth? BRILLIANT DESIGN!

Darren Quach said...

Hi Janice!
Thanks, however I didn't design the R3 graphic, it was designed by the amazing Olly Moss:
Check it out!

Janice Chu said...

Oh wow, he's a fantastic graphic designer! Thanks Darren!

Luke Berliner said...

Sick! Love the train yard!!! congrats on the game!

Cathy Free said...

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James said...

Your work is truly one of a kind! The way you bring ideas to life with such originality and emotion is remarkable. Can’t wait to see what you create next! Granite State Epoxy