

Hi bloggers!

It's E3 time again!! Check out our new game, Overstrike! This is the new IP we've been working on, I'm really excited about it's announcement!


And here are some screens from the trailer:


Ben Greene said...

Oh man, saw the trailer for this but with no sound (at the time). Even then I got really excited over this games clever designs and (wow) facial animations. Nice work! Did that open concept artist spot get filled yet? :P

Zachary said...

Cool! A nice style departure from all of Insomniac's other stuff!

Simon Scales said...

OH YEAH!! - looks awesome man!

Mio said...

Saw the trailer! looks so awesome! can't wait!

Unknown said...


Tom Zhao said...

Good stuff Darren! Those guns look great

Dilanka Samaratunga said...

Nice! saw the intro movie to this. Now lets see some concept art! :)

Great work btw.

craig said...

Sweet! Awesome trailer

Ang said...

totally sexy...

Jason Scheier said...

congratulations on such a beautiful game!

chibiaion said...

Holly molly this is cool! Thanks for the links one great reason to expect weekend to come sooner. Great way to share with me fella shark gamers. :-)buy aion accounts

Tyler Stott said...

OVERSTRIKE's style is looking SOO guud, cant wait to see more of it.

James said...

Your art has a mesmerizing quality! It’s rare to find work that feels both deeply personal and universally relatable. Keep creating—you have a gift! Suburban Elevator