
Pooch and Squid


Jason Scheier said...

very enjoyable drawings darren! I like roboscoobs~ the squid looks like war of the worlds on steroids.. awesome.. keep up the great stuff.


Jason Scheier said...

I'm really enjoying these drawings! Roboscoobs is awesome, and the squid looks like war of the worlds on steroids. Keep up the great work!


RAWLS said...

awesome awesome!! Love it dude..those are great! You've got a great style.

RAWLS said...

ps. Great first name by the way!

Ang said...

lol omg, the squid is totally cool. I like your indications of foreground and background for the legs. Hope to see your final soon!!!!


Josh Kao said...

awesome! the bottom one has a cool design

Robogabo said...

that' s one cool silhouette right there on the squid, also for the dog . . . . . is the legs
joints with the torso have a rubbercover material? i see you continued the elipse through it,
and it's following the sphere form . . . it doesn' t matter all i wanted to say is that i like that guy too.
is just hard to express ideas on text, but all your artwork is very exciting.

Awesome work Darren :-D

tom said...

wow. amazing stuff. just found your site tonight. love the squid and robot dog.

Unknown said...

Hey man I dig your stuff....and your friends with Mongsub even better...love that guy I used to work with him at High Moon.

Joshua James said...

Very cool stuff!

I especially like the efficiency of the enviros!


EL GRANDE said...

Wonderful designs. These robots are killer.

Joe y Elio

Brandon said...

man i love your line quality. It is amazing truly inspiring.
your characters are really cool as well.


Mike Yamada said...

really great designs on these!

Darren Quach said...

Thanks for all the really great support!

Mike: Long time dude hows it going?? Where are you working now?

Fenton: Hello! Yeh I had some figure drawing classes with Mongsub back at artcenter. One day in sandiego he gave me an iced coffee :D

Robogabo: Hey dude! Yup I intended for the joints to have a rubber housing. It might even be neat if there were little to no exposed metallic parts...