
R:FOM Concepts

These are some of the concept images I did during production for Resistance Fall of Man.


Jackson Sze said...

Err... thanks for posting these... so... awesome... wow.

Kinman said...

aah.. these look familiar.. great stuff darren!

Randy Bantog said...

these pieces are incredible.

sophan said...


sophan said...


Darren Quach said...

I'll try to dig up more to post in the future.

Saskia said...

Man, this is so great ;_;

Michael Kingery said...

just got your link from insomnia's podcast and must say, your talent really lends itself well to both ratchet and resistance... and your oscillation between the two appears (from the highly selective nature of this site at least) very fluid!

Darren Quach said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words! Gonna try to get some Ratchet stuff up for show soon :D

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Incredible work on these !!

Tom Zhao said...

dude this helicopter is freakin sick!
love that tiny bit of atmospheric perspective to emphasize the wing-span of this thing. so awesome '0'