

My pokemans. Let me show you them!


Steve said...

Very cool.

aeneadellaluna said...

I really like your work! This turtle could be an animated character..and I really like the traces of pencil line still remaining.., I love the expression.. such a cool character!

blackbird illustration said...

Really nice digital illo!

Andrew Thornton said...

How very cute. Is it some kind of turtle bug? It's cute even if it's not. I wonder what its powers are.

mrana said...

heh very cute!

Absolutely Small said...

Aw, he's cute!

Edward Pun said...

That's awesome! I like the line work and colors. Very cool.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Cool character! Well done.

Darren Quach said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words!

Andrew: speetle's a little beetle pokemon I came up with for a friend after he sent me one. I guess his power is that he..um spits. Pikachu would not be pleased :d

BePpLeZ said...

pokemon gotta catch em all, it's you and me....ohh i know its my destiney....

chea, pokemon, though gay at times, still pretty much OWNS....as does your pokemon. i like it alot, and nice thought for simple green :)